*Wade Barrett is using his phone, presumably texting someone. It makes a message bleep, the same heard every Monday night on Raw whenever the GM makes an announcement.*
Heath: The Raw GM has an announcement! Oh, wait…
Wade: Relax. It’s just my phone. Somebody sent me a tweet.
*Wade reads the tweet and is visibly irate.*
Wade: Damn it, Heath! Why did your hair tweet me?
Heath: I don’t know. Why don’t you ask it?
Wade: Heath, stop playing around it! This is ridiculous!
Heath: What’s so ridiculous about it?
Wade: Your hair has a Twitter. That should answer your question.
Heath: It should, but it doesn’t.
*Justin Gabriel walks over to Heath and talks into his hair.*
Justin: Tweet him again. I want to do something funny.
Wade: Oh, come on, Justin! That’s…
*Wade’s phone goes off again. As it makes the noise, Justin turns the lights on and off.*
Justin: Now it’s like the Raw GM.
Heath: Nice!
*Heath and Justin high five, while Ezekiel Jackson laughs in the background.*
Wade: Stop laughing, Ezekiel!
*Ezekiel frowns.*
Justin: Stop being mean to Ezekiel!
Wade: Sorry, Ezekiel. I’m just a little frustrated right now.
Heath: Over my hair. Which is honestly pathetic, if you think about it. No offense.
Wade: Saying “no offense” doesn’t make your comment any less offensive, Heath.
Heath: You’re right! Let me make it up to you.
Wade: No, thank you! I can’t possibly imagine what your help would entail.
*Heath busts out his laptop and goes on Twitter. He’s very mysterious and secretive about what he’s doing, not even allowing Justin access.*
Justin: Come on, Heath! I want to see what you’re doing!
Heath: Give me a few minutes, Justin.
Justin: I want to see now!
*Justin starts throwing a temper tantrum. Ezekiel comes over and calms him down, while Wade face palms. After a few minutes of silence, Heath is finished.*
Heath: Done!
Justin: Sweet! Let me see!
*Heath turns his laptop, giving the other Corre members a view of his creation.*
Heath: Yeah! I thought, since you were so jealous of my glorious hair having one, that your burly shoulders should get one to compensate.
Justin: Neat! I want one for my beard.
Ezekiel: I want one for my smile.
Wade: You’re not getting one for your smile, Ezekiel!
*Ezekiel frowns.*
Heath: Don’t worry, Ezekiel. Shawn Michaels had a Twitter for his smile, but he lost it.
Justin: Can I still have one for my beard?
Wade: No!
Justin: Why not?
Wade: It’s not menacing! Neither is having a Twitter for my shoulder or Heath’s hair. I want them deleted!
Heath: Relax, Sparky! Twitter’s not serious business. Nobody’s going to doubt our masculinity for having one. Besides, you yourself have a Twitter.
Wade: I use it for ethical and educational purposes. Such as giving today’s youth knowledge of artists such as Orwell.
Justin: You also make fun of Heath constantly.
Wade: Which is important to inform today’s youth.
Ezekiel: That Heath’s an idiot?
Wade: Yes! He’s also a bit slow when it comes to insults.
Heath: If it means that much to you, I’ll delete your shoulders. My hair stays, though.
Wade: *rolls eyes* Fair enough.
*Heath deletes the shoulder Twitter.*
Heath: Happy now?
Wade: Yes. Now, let’s go. We’ve got a plane to catch.
*The Corre gather their things and head out the door. As they’re about to leave, Heath stops dead in his tracks.*
Heath: Hey, I’m not an idiot!
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