When I started watching wrestling, Edge had just made his debut in the WWE. In a matter of minutes, I was a fan. He had a rock star look to him, yet wasn't this behemoth of a man. He had muscle, but didn't look like your standard bodybuilder that wrestling has been known for. I think this is the reason I gravitated towards him, as I've always been a small kid.
Through the years, I watched him rise to the top. Starting out in the ominous Brood stable, then pairing off with Christian to form one of the best tag teams ever. Their feuds with the likes of the Hardyz and the Dudleyz enthralled me, as well as attracting a few of my friends, as well (hint hint, WWE).
I remember when he and Christian split and he finally started his full singles career on Smackdown. He had already won the Intercontinental Championship on a few occasions, but hadn't quite made a name for himself without the aid of a partner. I remember tuning in every week in hopes that he'd be catapulted into the main event scene. Having matches with The Rock and Chris Jericho, as well as being tag champs with Hulk Hogan, proved that his time was coming.
Then he got injured. He broke his neck and, though he's performed at a top level since, it obviously changed him for the rest of his life. It's an injury that has put so many on the shelf for good. Thankfully, he was able to come back from it.
His return in 2004 was met with huge excitement, only for it to fiddle out. His good guy persona wasn't clicking, neither were most of his matches (his bouts with Orton were great, though). It was time for a change.
When he turned heel in the fall of 2004, a new door swung open for Edge. Just like that, he was catapulted into the main event scene on Raw. Sure, he was still in the occasional midcard feud, but that's to be expected. What matters is that he was mixing it up with the likes of Triple H and Shawn Michaels.
Then, his true moment of glory came at Wrestlemania 21. In the first-ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Edge captured the briefcase and guaranteed himself a future title shot. This was his moment to shine.
Some may argue that, up until New Year's Revolution 2006, he didn't do much of note. Sure, his feud with Matt Hardy was raw and captivating, but it wasn't what a future main eventer should be doing. On the contrary, that feud helped elevate Matt Hardy, if only for a brief while. You also have to remember that he was feuding with the likes of Chris Benoit, Ric Flair, Kane and HBK at the time, as well.
Then the moment came. After a long and grueling Elimination Chamber, John Cena seemingly walked out of New Year's Revolution 2006 as the WWE Champion. That is until Edge decided to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. A few minutes later and Edge has achieved his dream of being the WWE Champion.
Unfortunately, it didn't last long. A few weeks later, he dropped the title back to Cena at the Royal Rumble. As a huge Edgehead, this was devastating and didn't help that year's lackluster card in the least. It seemed as if Edge was poised to return to the midcard and possibly never smell the main event scene again.
That's not how Edge works. You kick him down, he gets right back up. Despite going into a program with Triple H, Edge made sure that he was on Cena's mind. He reminded him time and time again that he did beat him and would do so once again. He almost did so on an episode of Raw when he invoked his rematch clause, but came up short. He blamed it on the special referee, Mick Foley.
Instead of dropping down the card and working with a midcarder (not that there's anything wrong with that), Edge started a feud with the Hardcore Legend and ended up stealing the show (and the victory) at Wrestlemania 22. It was clear that Edge wasn't going anywhere but back to the top.
Just a few months later, he beat both John Cena and then-WWE Champion Rob Van Dam on Raw to capture his second WWE Championship. This time, he was going to make it last. He plowed through both RVD and Cena throughout the summer, only to lose it at Unforgiven 2006 to John Cena once again in a TLC Match. This time, though, he came out looking like a million bucks.
Despite losing, Edge looked like a main eventer. He gave it his all to the WWE's top star and had to have everything thrown at him to keep him down. He may have gotten out of Cena's focus for a while, but he caught the attention of two other member.
Triple H and Shawn Michaels had recently reformed D-Generation X and were running wild on Raw. Edge and Randy Orton didn't take kindly to this. They put aside their differences and formed a team, known as Rated RKO, and engaged in a blood feud with DX that even saw Ric Flair get into the mix (and then quickly taken out by Rated RKO).
They may have come out on the losing edge (no pun intended), but once again Edge looked like a star. He kept this momentum going and nearly got to face Cena once again for the WWE title, this time at the grandest stage of them all. HBK may have taken that spot instead, but Edge was determined to get back into the title picture.
He had his chance at Wrestlemania 23 when he entered the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, but came up short thanks to Jeff Hardy sending him through a ladder (and I mean that literally). This didn't stop the Rated-R Superstar, as kept his eyes focused on the winner of said match, Mr. Kennedy. When Kennedy was stricken with an injury, Edge swooped in and challenged him to a match with the briefcase on the line. In a matter of minutes, Edge became a two-time Mr. Money in the Bank.
Not wasting any time, he cashed in the following Smackdown on a defenseless Undertaker (who had taken a beating from both Batista and Mark Henry) and became the World Heavyweight Champion. A new accolade for his already impressive resume and a shot in the arm to the Smackdown roster.
With the Deadman out of the picture, Batista entered the fray as the number one contender. He did his best to make Edge's life a living hell, but the tables were turned on the Animal. On three separate occasions, the Rated-R Superstar came out on top over Batista. One of those battles being decided in a steel cage. The other banning Batista from challenging for the gold again as long as Edge was the champion.
As fate would have it, that came sooner, rather than later. Edge had just begun a feud with Kane and was set to defend his title against him at The Great American Bash 2007 when he was stricken with an injury. It was beginning to look like 2002 all over again, as Edge's chance to shine dwindled.
Thankfully, he wasn't out for too long this time. Not only that, but he was determined to come back in a blaze of glory. He did just that as he snuck his way into the Hell in a Cell battle between Batista and the Undertaker and cost the Deadman his chance to become the World Heavyweight Champion.
One month later, he ended Batista's reign at Armageddon 2007 by beating both him and the Undertaker in a triple threat match. He also took Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder under his wing, as well as beginning a relationship with Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero and forming a bond with her nephew, Chavo Guerrero.
Rey Mysterio didn't take too kindly to this and began a feud with Edge. Despite two PPV title matches (Royal Rumble 2008 and No Way Out 2008), Mysterio was unable to capture the World title, leaving Edge to bask in the glory.
It wouldn't last for long, as the Undertaker was named number one contender and finally got the best of Edge at Wrestlemania 24. Even in defeat, Edge looked like a star, as he nearly ended the Deadman's streak (a feat that has yet to be done).
Wrestlemania 24 wasn't the end for Edge, as he continued to use Vickie Guerrero to his advantage and gain multiple title shots. He may have lost his initial rematch at Backlash 2008, but that was only because of Hell's Gate, which was then deemed an illegal choking maneuver. After two month of back and forth action, the two squared off in Edge's specialty, a TLC Match, at One Night Stand 2008, with the Deadman's career on the line. Edge had the dubious honor of ending said career and capturing the World title once again.
He once again fought the Animal Batista (though he never should have challenged him for the gold due to last year's stipulation, but I digress) at Night of Champions 2008 and came out on top once again. The next night on Raw would be his downfall, as an angry Batista would annihilate him. Then, in an ironic twist of fate, CM Punk cashed in his Money in the Bank contract and captured his first World Heavweight Championship (a story for another time).
WWE Champion Triple H had just been drafted to Smackdown, giving Edge the opportunity to hold gold once again. He came up short at The Great American Bash 2008, as his problems with Vickie Guerrero had caused a distraction. He blamed her for the loss, only to eat those words in the coming weeks.
Irate, Vickie rehired the Undertaker and put him in a Hell in a Cell match with Edge at Summerslam 2008. Despite putting up one helluva battle, Edge lost the bout and was banished to hell. He wasn't seen or heard from for three months.
Just like the year prior, Edge made his triumph return at the Survivor Series. He replaced Jeff Hardy to challenge and defeat both Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov for the WWE Championship. Once again, Edge proved why he's the Ultimate Opportunist and to never count him out.
This reign wouldn't last for long, as he lost the belt at Armageddon 2008 a month later to Jeff Hardy, in a match that also involved Triple H. Not to be pushed down, Edge rebounded and won the title back at the Royal Rumble 2009, thanks to an unlikely assist from his former nemesis, Matt Hardy.
As quickly as that reign started, it ended at No Way Out 2009. He was the first eliminated in his Elimination Chamber match, which Triple H ended up winning. He didn't take this lying down, as he inserted himself into the World Heavyweight Elimination Chamber later on and once again captured that title. For two years in a row, he was going to headline Wrestlemania as the champion.
Standing in his way were three huge forces. His longtime rival John Cena, on-again off-again flame Vickie Guerrero and her new love interest and former World Champion The Big Show. A triple threat match between the three men was scheduled for Wrestlemania 25, with John Cena coming out on top once again.
As you can tell by now, Edge wasn't one to stay down for long. He rebounded from his third straight Wrestlemania loss and recaptured the World title from Cena in a Last Man Standing match at Backlash 2009. This brutal contest ended their heated rivalry, one in which won't be seen again.
Another long-time rival stuck his nose back into the title picture, as Edge and Jeff Hardy restarted their feud from a few months ago. Edge got the best of the Charismatic Enigma in a one-on-one match at Judgment Day 2009, but lost in a Ladder match at Extreme Rules 2009 a few weeks later.
Normally, Edge would find himself right back into the title picture. This time, though, he was left off the next PPV card, which was The Bash 2009. It seemed as if Edge's tumultuous dominance over the WWE roster was coming to an end. We all know not to expect that from the Rated-R Superstar.
After suffering a crushing defeat against Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho caught up with Edge and the two intersected themselves into a Unified Tag Team Title match between The Colons and Legacy. After a hectic contest, the new team came out on top. It was only a matter of time before the two former World champions once again dominated the tag team scene.
The dreaded Summer Curse came to bite Edge on the ass once again, as he was stricken with a torn ACL. For a man like Edge, taking away his speed and agility (as well as mobility) would spell the end for his career. He sat on the sidelines and watched Jericho and Big Show reign as Unified Tag Team Champions, as well as the likes of John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and Undertaker dominate the two World title scenes.
Instead of moping and letting the injury get the best of him, Edge pushed himself to the limit and recuperated. He proved the doctors and critics wrong and got himself back into shape. Before he knew it, he'd be stepping back into a wrestling ring once again. To his (and everybody's) surprise, that would be much sooner than he thought.
At the 2010 Royal Rumble, Edge shocked the world by entering at the number 29 spot and winning the battle, guaranteeing himself a main event title match at Wrestlemania 26. His fears of missing the biggest show of the year were vanquished, as he would now be headlining it once again.
He spent the next month deciding whether to challenge for the World or WWE title, as both title scenes were crowded. Sheamus and Undertaker walked into the 2010 Elimination Chamber the champs, but neither walked out as such. Batista left the WWE Champion (though Cena won the match) and Chris Jericho left the World Heavyweight Champion. It was clear who Edge would be challenging.
Ever since Edge was injured, Chris Jericho took it upon himself to berate his former partner and call him weak. He lambasted the Rated-R Superstar as being unreliable and touted The Big Show as a true friend and partner. He began to eat those words going into Wrestlemania 26, but ended up shocking the world and beating Edge in their epic clash. Edge did get the last laugh, though, as he speared him through the guardrail. He then beat him in a steel cage battle the next month at Extreme Rules 2010, though the title was not on the line (Jack Swagger had cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase a few weeks earlier and captured the World Title).
Edge started to lose his step a bit after his feud with Jericho, as a new feud with Randy Orton didn't go as planned. When the Nexus made their presence felt on Raw, he was put into a tough predicament on whether or not to align with Team WWE (and ultimately both John Cena and Chris Jericho). He ultimately decided to side with Team WWE and helped lead that team to victory.
It seemed as if he was getting back on track, but he had a secret thorn in his side. The Anonymous Raw GM had been making his life a living hell the past few months. This led to Edge snapping and destroying the laptop in which the GM communicated, making Edge look worse for wear. His salvation came in the form of a trade to Smackdown.
Returning to the brand that helped define his career, Edge wasted no time on getting back on top. He brushed through former World Champion Jack Swagger then entered a feud with the current champion, Kane. Usually, the Big Red Machine would be the one playing mind games with his victims. This time, the Rated-R Superstar got into Kane's mind by abducting Paul Bearer.
Thanks to this, Edge was able to nab himself a World title match at the Survivor Series, but that match ended in a draw. This gave Edge a rematch at TLC 2010, with the title being on the line in a TLC Match, of course. Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio were able to sneak their way into the match, but that didn't prevent Edge from winning the gold and beginning his last title reign.
After a devastating Last Man Standing Match against Kane on Smackdown, Dolph Ziggler began to give Edge problems leading to their match at the 2011 Royal Rumble. The Perfectionist had Edge's former flame Vickie Guerrero in his corner, who wound up becoming the Interim Smackdown General Manager. She banned Edge's finishing maneuver, the Spear, from the match. Edge prevailed, though, and used the Spear anyway when the ref was knocked out and retained his title.
He did lose it to Dolph Ziggler a few weeks later on Smackdown, though that was due to a disqualification. Teddy Long had just returned from his injury and regained his GM role and gave Edge another title match. Just like that, Edge was back on top.
He entered the 2011 Elimination Chamber as the World Champion and walked out as champion, this time with no problems. Despite stiff competition from Big Show, Wade Barrett, Rey Mysterio, Kane and Drew McIntyre, he was able to retain his title. His destiny to once again headline Wrestlemania as champion was coming full circle.
Another man's destiny stood in the way of Edge's. That man was Alberto Del Rio, the 2011 Royal Rumble winner. He had chosen to challenge Edge at Wrestlemania 27 for the World Heavyweight Championship and make an example out of the Rated-R Superstar.
That never came to be, as Edge trampled over ADR in their match at Wrestlemania 27, though it was a close call. Both men had a helping hand in their corner. Alberto Del Rio had his NXT Season 4 rookie Brodus Clay in his corner, while Edge had his best friend and former partner Christian in his corner. The former tag team champions fended off numerous cheap advantages and a Spear from Edge sealed the deal.
Which bring us to last night's Raw. Edge, who has been having quite possibly the best reign of his career, has had the unfortunate task of announcing his retirement. For 13 years, he's been able to live his dream. Now, he must say goodbye. It's been a helluva career, but it's now time for the Rated-R Superstar to call it quits.
As a big fan of his from the beginning, it's hard to imagine not seeing him in the ring anymore. Sure, he's had long stretches of absences, but the best in the world have to take a break every now and then. Knowing that this break will be permanent is hard to swallow.
Instead of wishing for more, I'd like to thank Edge for his career. I'd like to congratulate him on living his dream and proving his critics wrong. He may not have been the biggest dog in the fight, but he had the heart the size of King Kong. He's an inspiration to those who have been told they can't all their lives and has had one of the best careers of any professional wrestler in history.
It may be hard to say goodbye, but it's for the best.
Thank you, Edge!
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